Method of Withdrawal

If you have second thoughts about your purchase, you can still decide to return the product to us, without having to give any reason, within 14 calendar days of its delivery.
In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal, if the product is returned intact, as it was delivered, you will be entitled to obtain a refund of the amount you paid for the purchase of the returned product. Only one return can be made.
The only costs payable by the consumer for exercising the right of withdrawal, in accordance with Article 67 of the Consumer Code, are the direct costs of returning the goods. However, we may withhold the refund until we have received the product.
Please pack the product properly and return it using a label bearing the data of the sender (the address of the consumer) and those of the recipient (F.lli Sorrentino Srl, Via Nazionale, 11/A 85050 Villa D`Agri di Marsicovetere (PZ)).
The exchange of goods cannot be processed if you return the goods purchased online:
visiting our shop.
  • by mail to our shop. All purchases made in the F.lli Sorrentino Srl shop can only be returned to the shop.
  • When returning the goods you must also include the information of the new items you intend to purchase. Once we have received your returned goods, we will process your exchange by sending you the new goods you requested. We will credit or debit from the payment card used to make the original purchase if there is a difference between the price of the goods you have returned and the price of the new replacement goods you have requested. In the event of a return for exchange of damaged goods or goods that do not correspond to the description on our site, we will also refund the cost of shipping, if you provide proof of the cost incurred for returning the goods.

Right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal is regulated in accordance with the law if the customer-consumer (i.e. a natural person who purchases the goods for purposes not related to his professional activity, or does not make the purchase by indicating a VAT number in the order form ) has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason. To exercise this right, the customer must send Sorrentino a communication within fourteen working days from the date of delivery of the goods. To obtain it, simply fill in the form located in the "After-Sales Services" section. Note: Customers who purchase with a VAT number cannot exercise the right of withdrawal. In case of return, under penalty of non-acceptance, the package must be intact.
The right of withdrawal is in any case subject to the following conditions (Article 67 of the Consumer Code):
  • If the goods have been delivered, the consumer is required to return them or make them available to the professional or the person designated by him, according to the methods and times established by the contract. However, the deadline for returning the goods cannot exceed fourteen working days from the date of receipt of the goods. For the purposes of expiry of the term, the goods are considered returned when they are delivered to the accepting post office or to the shipper.
  • For contracts concerning the sale of goods, if the goods have been delivered, the substantial integrity of the goods to be returned is an essential condition for exercising the right of withdrawal. In any case, it is sufficient that the goods are returned in a normal state of conservation, as they have been kept and possibly used with the use of normal diligence.
  • The only costs payable by the consumer for exercising the right of withdrawal pursuant to this article are the direct costs of returning the goods to the sender, where expressly provided for in the contract.
  • If the right of withdrawal is exercised by the consumer in accordance with the provisions of this section, the trader is required to reimburse the sums paid by the consumer, including the sums paid as a deposit. The refund must be made free of charge, in the shortest possible time and in any case within thirty days from the date on which the professional became aware of the consumer's exercise of the right of withdrawal. The sums are understood to be reimbursed within the terms if they are actually returned, sent or re-credited with a value no later than the expiry of the previously indicated term.
  • In the event that the payment was made by means of bills of exchange, if these have not yet been presented for collection, they must be returned. Any clause providing for limitations on the reimbursement to the consumer of the sums paid as a result of exercising the right of withdrawal is null and void.
  • If the price of a good or service, the subject of a contract referred to in this title, is wholly or partially covered by a credit granted to the consumer, by the professional or by third parties on the basis of an agreement between the latter and the professional, the The credit agreement is automatically terminated, without any penalty, if the consumer exercises the right of withdrawal in accordance with the provisions of this article. The professional is required to notify the third party granting the credit of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer. Any sums paid by the third party who granted the credit against payment of the good or service up to the moment in which he is aware of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer are reimbursed to the third party by the professional, without any penalty, except the payment of legal interest accrued.


The right of withdrawal provided for in articles 64 and following, as well as articles 52 and 53 and paragraph 1 of article 54 do not apply:
  • To contracts for the supply of foodstuffs, drinks or other household goods for current consumption supplied to the consumer's home, place of residence or place of work, by distributors who make frequent and regular rounds;
  • To contracts for the supply of services relating to accommodation, transport, catering, leisure, when, upon conclusion of the contract, the professional undertakes to provide such services on a specific date or in a pre-established period.
Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal provided for in articles 64 and following in the cases:
  • For the supply of services whose execution has begun, with the consumer's agreement, before the expiry of the term established by article 64, paragraph 1;
  • Supply of goods or services whose price is linked to fluctuations in financial market rates that the professional is unable to control;
  • For the supply of goods made to measure or clearly personalized or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
  • For the supply of sealed audiovisual products or computer software, opened by the consumer;
  • Supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines;
  • Of betting and lottery services.
For further information, it is possible to consult the text of the law available on the Ministry of Economic Development